Monthly report.
Important Announcement to All Bukh and Sukh Token Holders:
We would like to inform you that as of February 26, 2024, SAFED Co., Ltd. has decided to transfer all operations of its blockchain projects to the joint company RISE.
This significant decision reflects our commitment to adapt to the rapidly evolving blockchain industry and to take a bold step forward in launching more advanced and crypto native new projects.
Firstly, we would like to explain the fate of the major projects SAFED has been involved in.
Shinobi Wallet will be rebranded and provided as a new service under the name “Mirai Wallet” Similarly, Shinobi Finance will be reborn as “Mirai Finance” Unfortunately, HIMEGAMI Collection and Samurai Manager will be discontinued.
Next, we have some good news for Sukh token holders. Instead of monthly reports, holders will be able to check the real time reward status on the web and claim rewards at any time. Monthly reports will be discontinued, and communication will be switched to updates, resulting in a more transparent and user centric system.
The decentralized asset model “Himegami Protocol” will be reborn as a new project called “MIRAI MAKER” We will launch the WEB3 Launchpad project on the ETH Layer 2 “Blast” chain. Blast is a project founded by the founder of the NFT marketplace, Blur.
The first project launched by MIRAI MAKER is the decentralized GPU project “MVIDIA” Details of “MVIDIA” will be announced at a later date. MIRAI MAKER is a virtual space for creating the future. We are planning to issue a new token “MIRAI” and conduct both a token swap, airdrop, and fair launch. Detailed tokenomics and various roadmaps will be released next week.
This decision marks a bold step forward in anticipation of the future of the crypto industry. We eagerly await your warm expectations and support for RISE’s new challenge. We are confident that eventually, you will realize that this decision was groundbreaking for you all. Although many details cannot be disclosed yet, we will continue to provide sufficient information as needed. Let’s explore the frontiers of investing, blockchain, and Web3.0 together.
Thank you.