Shinobi Wallet has been updated to 1.3.6
There are two ways to update.
1.How to update follow the pop-up displayed in the shinobi wallet.
2.How to update directly from the Appstore or Play Store.
You can update your Shinobi wallet in the above way.
- Additional Optimistic
Optimistic has been added since MATIC was added in the last update. Following ERC20, BTC, Defi, BSC, and MATIC, there are a total of six additional OPTIMISTICs.
Optimistic is an on-chain technology that processes data with a separate layer, that is, L2 (LAYER2).
Currently, only 15 transactions per second can be processed, compensating for the shortcomings of Ethereum, which has limitations, and transactions can be made faster than Ethereum Mainnet, which has to wait for block creation, thereby reducing gas fees.
2. Purchase list token order changed.
It was inconvenient when purchasing tokens, such as where there was only one provider, but in this update, both providers changed the order of tokens that could be purchased with credit cards to the top.
However, tokens that only one provider can purchase with a credit card due to poor purchase have been changed to the following.
3. Changing HelpCenter
To prevent scams from Telegram, HelpCenter was changed from 1.3.6 updates. In the Japanese version of Shinobi wallet was changed from Telegram to Line,
Japanese users can inquire in a one-on-one manner on the Line app, not on Telegram. Many scams (fraud) have caused damage, so we chose this method after reviewing it.
Never answer if anyone asks for an encryption key through Telegram.
Please look forward to it. If you have any collaboration or questions with Shinobi Wallet, please ask on Twitter or Telegram of Shinobi Wallet.